Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My Epithany The Realization that Honesty Is Most...

Everyone has an epiphany at least once in their lifetime, and most of the time those epiphanies bring a lot of change to follow. As someone who has experienced an epiphany before, my most known epiphany was when I realized that friends can be fantastic or down-right awful role models. Obviously, most people automatically assume that a new friend will be perfect and fun to be around. However, one must remember to always figure out a person’s true colors before sharing personal life details with them. Some may show trust and even sit and listen to relationship problems, but sometimes they just want to be nosy. One thing is, once they hear what they have been waiting to hear, and then they are history, and basically that friend who was†¦show more content†¦I wanted people in my life I could trust with everything in me, and to help me when I fall instead of pretending to help just to get what they want. A real friend will always be there, no matter the circumstances, if t hey are actually a genuine friend. If a friend runs when needing them the most, usually that shows they are not a true friend anyhow. Even so, this epiphany continually destroyed me until I decided to take a stand and clean up my life of all the malicious human beings. Back to when everything had begun, when I thought that friend would be by my side forever, that summer when we became close, I had started to hang out more and do things I should not have been doing. We would get together with friends and have a party, and even get intoxicated. It came to the point my parents were going to send me away over the bad things I had been doing. I am the type of person that is easily talked into anything. If friends around me was drinking or smoking, then I felt the need to do it as well. I had realized then, this was a bad friend, all I was doing while hanging with him were unpleasant acts. I did not need that life, nor did I want it. All I wanted was a true friend to count on and I thought that was what I had, but I was completely wrong. Furthermore, as things started to calm down, and summer started to come to an end, I realized he wanted to be my friend just to get himself involved

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